- Boston
01205 351114 - Bourne
01778 218001 - Grantham
01476 591550 - Horncastle
01507 522456 - Lincoln
01522 541181 - London
02078 715755 - Newark
01636 673731 - Sleaford
01529 411500 - Spalding
01775 725664 - Stamford
01780 764145
Waste Disposal
Businesses and individuals who transport waste or are connected with the buying, selling or disposal of waste must register as a waste carrier, broker or dealer.
The application fee for registering is relatively inexpensive, however fines can reach £5,000 if you carry out any of the regulated activities without a license.
Chattertons advises clients in respect of any regulatory breaches in connection with environmental laws and advises on the prospects of defending any civil or criminal action brought against a business.
To discuss your individual requirements please contact a specialist by completing our online enquiry form or by contacting one of our offices and speaking to a member of our Client Care Team.