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Why Do I Need a Pension on Divorce - Expert Report

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A divorce pension report is a specialised financial document prepared by a qualified Pension on Divorce Expert – sometimes abbreviated to a PODE - to assess and value the pension assets available to both parties in a marriage or civil partnership.

The report provides a detailed analysis of all pension assets and potential pension benefits to help understand how they can be shared upon divorce.

It offers an impartial evaluation of the pensions cash equivalent values and will consider various division options and, if necessary, potential tax implications.

The report aids both parties, their legal advisers and a Judge or arbitrator in making informed decisions about how pension assets can be distributed, ultimately contributing to a more comprehensive and fair financial settlement.

A pension on divorce expert report is often necessary in divorce proceedings for several key reasons:

  • Complexity: Pensions can be complex financial assets that are difficult to value accurately. It is often dangerous to simply rely upon the pension providers' own valuation. The pensions on divorce expert (PODE) can provide a detailed and fair valuation.
  • Equitable distribution: The report makes clear recommendations on how to divide pension assets between spouses, which is crucial for financial settlement.  Note that this is very rarely a straight 50/50 split.
  • Long-term financial impact: Pensions affect long-term financial security. An expert report can assess the future implications of different scenarios by forecasting what pension lump sums and annuities might be available in the future.
  • In many cases, the court may insist on a PODE report being obtained so that he or she has the information they need to make a decision on your behalf.
  • Options analysis: The report can outline various options for dividing pension benefits and their potential outcomes.
  • Avoiding mistakes: Incorrect assumptions about pension values, benefits or how they should be shared can lead to substantial financial losses. Expert input from a PODE helps prevent those costly errors.
  • Negotiation tool: The report provides a factual basis for negotiations between divorcing parties, potentially facilitating settlements.

A  report can be a good idea for divorcing couples for several reasons despite their cost which is often £2000-4000 plus VAT.  While it can be tempting to save the money, the many benefits of having the clarity and direction given by a report is usually worth the investment;

  • Clarity and transparency: It provides a clear, unbiased assessment of pension assets, helping both parties understand their true value and potential future benefits.  This alone can often prevent many hours of arguing and negotiation which would otherwise be charged at a lawyer's hourly rate.
  • Informed decision-making: With expert analysis, couples can make more informed choices about how to divide their assets fairly.
  • Avoiding future disputes: A professional report can help prevent misunderstandings or disagreements about pension values later on.  Mistakes such as these would then cost thousands of pounds to put right.
  • Uncovering hidden value: Experts can identify aspects of pensions that couples might overlook, such as death benefits or guaranteed annuity rates.
  • Exploring options: The report can present various scenarios for pension splitting, helping couples find the most mutually beneficial solution.
  • Reducing emotional stress: Having objective, expert information can take some of the emotion out of financial negotiations.
  • Addressing complex cases: For couples with multiple or complex pension arrangements, an expert can provide clarity and ensure nothing is overlooked.
  • Planning for the future: It helps both parties understand their future pension income positions, enabling better informed financial planning for your life, post-divorce.

"A PODE report is an essential and valuable tool in the divorce process, despite its cost." Says Neil Denny, family law partner with Chattertons "It offers clarity and insight for you, your legal advisers and, if necessary, the court so that you can move forward, post-separation and divorce, with the very best outcomes."


If you would like any further advice regarding this, or any other family law matter, please contact Neil Denny on 
01522 551177 or